Frequently Asked Questions

How Our Beef is Raised

Q: What type of beef do you raise?

 A: 100% Grassfed, certified organic, and regeneratively raised Black Angus.

What does “100% grass-fed” mean?

Our cattle are 100% grass-fed and 100% grass-finished. They never eat grain. They are never in a feedlot. We were one of the pioneer producers of grass-fed beef nearly a quarter century ago, long before it was trendy. We maintain the vision of those early days; at Alderspring, “grass fed” means that our cattle eat only grass and other forages for their entire lives. These cattle will eat from pristine mountain pastures with a variety of native grasses, wildflowers and small shrubs. On the home ranch, they will eat from our diverse pasture sward of grasses and legumes like clover and sainfoin, and eat hay harvested from those same meadows.

Unlike the “Certified Organic” label, the “grass fed” claim is not regulated in any way. We have seen producers that run a very conventional operation call their cattle “grass fed” and enjoy the premium that the unsuspecting consumer is willing to give them. Don’t assume beef is grass fed just because it comes directly from a small ranch. At this time, the only way to ensure that you are truly getting grass fed and finished beef is to ask questions of your producer. Contact us anytime!

Why is Alderspring grass fed beef superior?

Three things contribute to Alderspring’s superior flavor and quality: heritage beef genetics that finish well on grass, exceptionally nutritious grasses growing on highly mineralized virgin mountain soils, and 30 years of experience growing grass fed.  We take it a step further by using organic methods to improve soil fertility through regenerative grazing techniques and emphasize animal wellness rather than using non-organic treatments like antibiotics or hormones to increase growth and health. We truly believe that our methods produce the absolute best grassfed organic beef you will ever try.

Is grass fed beef nutritionally superior?

Studies have shown that true grass-fed beef has a superior nutritional profile compared to conventionally grown grain fed beef.  Grass fed beef is higher in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, beta-carotene (vitamin A precursor), and Conjugated Linoleic Acid, a fatty acid shown to fight cancer. You can read about a study comparing nutrients in Alderspring beef to grain fed beef on this page.

Is grass fed beef less tender than grain fed beef?

It shouldn’t be. We work hard to produce exceptional grass-fed beef that should be a delight to eat.

What do your cattle eat in the winter?

The onset of winter doesn’t mean the end of grazing for our animals—there is still stock-piled forage that they consume until snow is an issue, rare in our high desert climate. When snow makes grazing impossible and in the spring before grass comes back, we feed our animals our own hay, which is pasture grass that is harvested and stored when dry. We have found that with careful attention to our hay crop, we can harvest excellent beef even in the winter with no fall-down in flavor or tenderness.

What do you mean by “regenerative?” Can you describe your practices?

When we describe our practices as “regenerative,” we mean we use practices that have been shown to increase soil health, improve animal health, and sequester carbon. In terms of results, this means we’ve tripled our ranch’s soil organic matter, doubled our grass productivity, increased soil water retention, decreased cattle sickness rates, and increased beaver colonies on our rangeland from 0 beavers 9 years ago to 14 colonies at the last count. We’ve done the math, and our entire operation is carbon negative, which means we put more carbon in the ground than our operation releases. Want the full details on our regenerative practices and how we put our money where our mouths are when we say “regenerative”? Visit this page.  Unfortunately, many big corporations are beginning to use the term “regenerative” as a meaningless marketing term while actually practicing none of the principles of regenerative agriculture. The only way to know if an operation is truly humane is to ask questions about their results.

Is Alderspring beef raised in a humane environment?

We believe we have a moral obligation to treat our animals with the utmost care and respect, revitalizing the ancient concept of “husbandry” which considers the animal’s natural inclinations. This involves studying their needs and meeting them, as well as practicing stockmanship, which is the quiet herding of animals. Our cattle lead a very low stress life and spend 99 percent of their lives either grazing wild rangeland or biodiverse nutritionally rich pasture. They only experience a corral environment if they are sick and need our close attention or when we are doing our biweekly sort to determine which cattle are ready for harvest.

Does Alderspring use GMOs?

Absolutely not. All of the beef we sell is certified organic. This means that all of the feed they eat must be completely free of GMOs, as well as free of the associated use of pesticides on GMO pesticide resistant crops.  Currently, a GMO alfalfa has been approved and we are concerned about contamination from neighboring ranches. Our old heritage stands of alfalfa are resistant to contamination, but we have begun using the ancient legume of sainfoin as a replacement for alfalfa in any new seedings.

Some people believe that all grassfed beef is free of GMOs. This is not necessarily true. Some beef marketed as grass fed by other producers is grown using the following GMO crops: beets, corn and soybean crop residue, and alfalfa. The organic label is the most rigorous GMO-free label available.

Do you ever raise or harvest cloned animals?

Certainly not. Cloning animals does not fit our philosophy of ranching in sync with nature.



Are you certified organic?

Yes, we are completely USDA certified organic and also certified Real Organic. Both certifications include an onsite 1-2 day inspection.

Is all the beef you sell certified organic?

All of the beef for sale on the website and in retail outlets is certified organic unless sold as bulk beef on our bulk beef page and clearly listed as “non organic” or “not certified.”  We manage our home ranch of about 1700 acres and a range of 46,000 acres as organic, making us the largest certified organic ranch in the country.  We use natural pest control, crop rotation, aggressive hand-grubbing of weeds, and manure management to achieve a productive healthy ranch ecosystem.  We are certified organic by the Idaho Department of Agriculture and the Real Organic Project.

We occasionally have animals that cannot be certified for various reasons (usually antibiotic treatment when very young calves). Once these animals completely recover, they are put back into the herd and graze alongside our organic cattle but remain clearly identifiable through records and ear tags. When these animals are ready for harvest, we offer them for sale locally at a discount as quarters and halves or list them on our website as quarters or eighths with full disclosure about the antibiotics given and when.

What is the definition of organic?

The word “organic” refers to the growing and processing protocols that we use for our beef. Everything from the pastures on the home ranch, to the wild 46,000 acres of rangeland, to the processing itself, is subject to organic rules. We use no synthetic chemicals, growth hormones, insecticides, pesticides, parasiticides, or any other chemicals in the production of our beef products.  Legally, the term can only be used by producers like us who keep detailed records and subject our operation to the scrutiny of a disinterested 3rd party inspector.

Many producers label their beef as “Beyond Organic,” but yours is just “Organic.” What’s the difference?

Be wary of claims of “beyond organic.” Many grass fed beef producers are using that term, but do not truly run an organic operation and do not go through the rigorous inspections required for organic certification. We have seen the term “beyond organic” used on labels and advertising for cattle that have even been given antibiotics or hormones or grazed on GMO corn stubble. Using the term “beyond organic” is actually illegal, but there is little money in the organic certification program to go after all those producers who use the term.

We’ve also seen producers claim to be organic, and advertise as such, but not undergo the rigorous inspection needed to be certified organic, often claiming it was too expensive. We always found this puzzling, because the costs of being organic are in the day-to-day operations of the ranch (for example, using human power to eliminate weeds rather than chemical sprays). If a producer is truly operating organically, the actual cost of certification is not that high.

To read more about why we think claims of “beyond organic” are BS, read here.

How is organic beef different from regular supermarket beef?

Unlike natural and other eco-label claims, only organic offers 3rd party inspection-backed assurance that products are grown and processed without the use of toxic chemicals, antibiotics and synthetic growth hormones. Organic is the most heavily regulated food certification. Organic certification is the only guarantee that no toxic synthetic pesticides, toxic synthetic herbicides, or chemical NPK fertilizers are used in production of pastures or hay, and no antibiotics, pesticides, or growth hormones are given to animals. Organic producers and processors also are subject to rigorous announced – and unannounced – certification inspections by third-party inspectors to ensure that they are producing and processing organic products in a manner you and your family can trust.

Here at Alderspring, we spend many hours and dollars managing animals and pastures organically. We control weeds with hand labor, beneficial insects, and targeted grazing rather than chemicals. We maintain the health of our herd by careful husbandry. And we improve the fertility of our soil through grazing management, working with nature.

What happens when one of your organic calves gets sick?

The calf is treated for the illness. Caring for them is part of our stewardship ethic, and it would be wrong to simply let them die when judicious use of antibiotics would save them. But that animal is no longer marketed as organic. Because we implement low stress holistic herd health methods, a sick animal is rare. Those that do need treatment continue to graze on our certified organic pastures along with our organic cattle, and when ready, are sold direct to customers fully informed about the reasons that particular animal is no longer certified organic so that they can make that decision for themselves.

How is “certified organic” beef different than “natural” beef?

Did you know that ANY FRESH meat qualifies as “natural” according to the USDA? The term “natural” on a label only means that the product has been “minimally processed.” To label our beef as organic, however, requires a much stricter code of standards and ethics.  We have independent agents that come to annually certify our land, animals, and packaging facility.

Will eating organic foods improve my health? If so, how?

While we make no claims that eating our beef will make you healthy, many studies suggest that organic food is more nutritious, and that pesticides in food may be a health hazard. A recent study into organic vs. non organic foods showed that by adhering to a strictly organic food program any traces of pesticides in a child’s body will drop significantly after eating organic for just 7 days. The controlled study had children eat non organic food to begin with and tracked pesticide levels in their bodies. They were then put on an all organic program for 7 days and the pesticide traces dropped dramatically. They then went back on a non-organic program and the traces of pesticides reappeared.

You can read more about this study here.

There is also a current study underway by Dr. Stephen Van Vliet comparing the nutrient profiles of Alderspring grass fed beef to feedlot grain fed beef. You can read about the results on this page on our blog. Here’s a brief statement taken from the executive summary of the study’s preliminary results:

We found that 377 out of 578 compounds differed between the grass-fed beef from Alderspring Ranch and grain-fed beef samples. This represents a much larger difference between grass-fed and grain-fed beef than previously considered, which goes far beyond simply omega-3 fatty acids. Our main findings are:

  • Pasture finishing increases phytochemicals, lipids, fatty acids, and other potentially health-promoting bioactive compounds.
  • Pasture finishing decreases potentially less-desirable compounds such as homocysteine and triaglycerols.
  • Pasture finishing improves metabolic health pathways of the animal.

Phytochemicals, polyphenols, tocopherols, and carotenoids were found to accumulate in 2-3 times higher amounts in grass-finished meat. Phytochemicals are naturally occurring compounds derived from plants that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects in animals and humans. Phytochemicals can have a role in the prevention and management of chronic diseases. Additionally, we found 7-fold higher amounts of omega-3 fatty acids in the grass-fed meat, which have important roles in heart and brain health. We also found higher amounts of saturated long-chain fats in the grass-fed beef which, unlike other saturated fats, are associated with a decreased risk of heart disease. Grass-fed animals also had lower levels of triglycerides and advanced glycation end products, which are associated with improved cardiovascular health for both the animal and the consumer. Vitamin C, B5, and B6 were higher in the grain-fed beef, which is likely the result of the higher contents of these nutrients in the total mixed ration.



Vaccines and Hormones

Do you use antibiotics or use growth hormones?

Never.  While we sometimes treat sick animals with antibiotics (if an animal is suffering, we believe we have an obligation to mitigate their suffering with antibiotics). Beef from an animal treated with antibiotics will NEVER be sold to you as Alderspring Grass Fed Organic Beef. Instead, we sell this beef locally with full disclosure or list it on our website as non organic quarters with full disclosure about the antibiotics given and when. We never use any form of growth hormones.

Q: Do you use any type of vaccines?

We only use 2 vaccines. The first is a vaccination for Brucellosis, which is required by law across the US because it’s transmittable to humans. The second is for clostridial infections, which are potentially dangerous bacteria that reside in the soil. We have lost cattle to these. The vaccines are given at to our calves at six months, and they never see a shot again. The USDA and the FDA say that after 28 days, all traceable residue of a vaccine is gone and since our cattle are processed at 18-24 months, the vaccines have no chance of affecting the taste or quality of your beef.

Q: Do we use the MRNA vaccines?

A: No, we do not use mRNA viral vaccines and we will not use mRNAs in the future. Glenn posted his research and thoughts on it if you wanted to read it here at this link:



Beef Processing

Q: How old are the beeves when processed?

A: 18-36 months

How is Alderspring Beef packaged?

All beef is hand-cut and hand-packaged. Because of the artisanal nature of our packaging, you may find some variation.

Cuts are vacuum packaged into single serving or meal-sized packages. Each steak and each pound of ground beef are individually wrapped. Roasts are packaged whole and range from 2-12 pounds. Other cuts like hearts and tongues are sold by the piece.

All cuts are vacuum-packed into BPA and BPS-free cryovak packaging. The packaging is transparent for easy identification in your freezer. Meat packed in a vacuum pack will never freezer burn unless the vacuum pack is punctured or compromised. We caution our buyers to handle their vacuum pack meat carefully to avoid putting holes in the packaging.

Do you irradiate the meat?


What is dry aging vs wet aging and which do you use?

Aging beef is an important process that makes even the finest of meats more tender and flavorful. We have honed our aging process over the years to produce the most flavorful and tender beef without the development of off flavors or mycotoxins. We use dry-aging, a process that is more expensive and less common than wet-aging.

Dry-aging is a process where prime cuts are exposed to temperature/moisture/light-controlled coolers where an outer crust will form. This crust is carefully removed, leaving meat that displays a distinctive flavor and tenderness that is only found when dry-aged.

Our dry-aging process is different than most dry-aging processes out there because we use a much shorter dry age. Many producers use a 21-30 day dry age process, which we’ve found can result in the development of histamines that a small percentage of people have an adverse reaction to. We’ve dramatically shortened our dry-age process as a result and have found that we still get the same great flavor results without the histamine development.

Wet-aging techniques package meat inside of vacuum-sealed bags, preventing exposure to air and moisture from evaporating. Enzymes break down the meat‚ as complex proteins from the inside out. We have found that wet aging does not produce a desirable product for our grass-fed beef.

Does Alderspring use mechanical tenderization?

No. This is more common than most people realize and involves stabbing the meat with narrow razors to tenderize it before packaging. We believe this introduces pathogens from the outside of the meat to the inside and should not be needed if beef is produced correctly. Our growing and processing protocols are what make Alderspring beef tender, not mechanical tenderizing.

Are there any other ingredients mixed into the beef?

No. Our beef is just beef, unless you’re buying one of our artisanal products like jerky or sausages. For these, a complete and transparent ingredient list is included in the description. As a family with multiple food allergies, we take your right to know exactly what is in your beef very seriously.

Is your beef inspected?

A full time USDA inspector monitors the processing of our beef from start to finish. Unlike large plants where an inspector may be responsible for looking at many beeves per hour as the carcasses roar down an assembly line, in our small family-owned plant the inspector has plenty of time to inspect every beef and monitor every aspect of the cutting and packaging of it.

Who processes Alderspring Beef?

We are proud to have Stillwater Meats, a small family-owned packer, work with us on processing our beef safely, humanely, and with the highest standards of quality. Stillwater Meats is a USDA-inspected facility, with an inspector examining every animal individually. The father-son team of Dewey and Jason have won many awards for their artisanal beef, and bring an exceptional level of care in processing what we produce.

Are the cattle harvested humanely?

This is important to us. We are ethically bound to treat the animals in our care with the highest standards of stewardship and care. We husband these animals throughout their life, and are adamant that the harvest of our beef be done with no stress and no pain. The animals are handled quietly and dispatched instantly.

Does freezing beef affect its quality?

Not the way we do it. Freezing can impact flavor when done too slowly. We’ve come up with a flash-freezing method that maintains beef quality. We believe frozen beef is the safest, freshest, and best way to bring you our beef.

Approximately how long ago was my beef processed?

We generally sell our beef within several weeks of it being processed.



Q: What do you do about variable cuts?

A: For variable cuts, our shopping cart software will estimate the price based on an average weight and we will refund you if we send you something that’s smaller than estimated.

Q: When will the beef be back in stock?

A: We restock our beef every other Wednesday afternoon. 

Q: What is the store minimum?

A: $125.00


Bulk Beef and Specific Cuts

Q: How long will the beef last in the fridge?

A: As long as the vacuum seals are still intact, it can last up to 10 days. It also depends on the temperature of your fridge and how often you open it. 

Q: Can I purchase a Whole beef?

A: No. The largest we offer are sixteenths of a beef.

Q: Can I purchase a 1/2 beef?

A: No. The largest we offer are sixteenths of a beef.

Q: Can I purchase a 1/4 beef?

A: Sometimes! We occasionally offer quarters and post them on this page.

Q: Can I order custom cuts?

A: No, what we have online is what we offer. 

Q: Do you offer tripe?

A: No 

Q: Do you sell beef tallow/suet?

A: No, sorry!

Q: Do you offer wholesale?

A: No




What carriers do you use?

All of our packages are shipped via UPS.

Q: What are your shipping rates?

Western orders under $250 are a flat $29, and Western orders over $250 ship for free. All Western orders ship ground service. For Eastern and Midwestern orders, shipping cost averages around $2.50-3.00 per pound, although it’ll be higher for smaller orders. During the summer, only 2nd Day Air is available. In other seasons, the less expensive 3-Day Select is available. 

Why don’t you offer free shipping or flat rate shipping everywhere?

Unlike large meat companies, we produce what we sell and ship it from here in central Idaho. We can reach most of the western U.S. with affordable ground shipping, but more distant orders will require a shipping upgrade to 3 Day Select or 2nd Day Air. As a small shipper, these upgrades are very expensive for us.

If we used a Flat Rate shipping price, we would over charge customers living near us and under charge customers living on the East Coast, or we would have to make up the difference by raising our product prices. We do not believe that is fair to anybody.

We recognize that shipping to the eastern half of the U.S. is expensive, and we are humbly grateful for our eastern customers who continue to purchase from us. We completely understand if the shipping costs aren’t feasible for those of you who live in the Eastern or Midwestern US. We recommend checking out to find producers who are more local to you and may deliver to your area!

How do you calculate the shipping costs?

During the checkout process, our system receives the shipping costs directly from the UPS system and is displayed for custom selection of shipping service. The rates displayed are the standardized UPS rates. We don’t pad shipping costs.

How often do you ship?

We ship every other Monday, except on some major holiday weeks.  We only ship on Mondays to ensure that your beef reaches you frozen solid and does not sit thawing over a weekend or a holiday. If you place an order before a holiday, check your email receipt for the shipping date.

Where do you ship?

We ship to all 48 continental states. We cannot ship to Alaska or Hawaii, Canada or other countries outside of the US, sorry! 

How can I enter a delayed delivery date?

Put your preferred Monday delivery date in the comments section of your order.

Will I receive a tracking number with my order?

You will receive two emails from us. The first confirmation will be sent upon completion of your order and will detail your purchase. You will receive a second confirmation e-mail at the time that your order is shipped via UPS, which will provide you with a tracking number and shipping information.

If you have not received either of these emails, first check your spam folder in your email program. If you still can’t find the information, send us an email at, and we’ll get you the information.

It’s Monday night and my UPS tracking just says “shipping information received,” but when I try to track it there is no information.

We ship from our shipping warehouse in Salmon, Idaho. Your box is loaded directly on a UPS truck and heads to a hub in Idaho Falls, ID, and then reaches the major hub of Salt Lake City at about midnight. The boxes are scanned into UPS’s system in Salt Lake City, but sometimes that doesn’t happen until Tuesday morning. Check your tracking on Tuesday, and it should be upgraded with a delivery estimate and a current location.

Do you ship fresh or frozen?

We only ship frozen products, except for cheese (in season). We believe that flash-freezing our wild protein within hours of processing gives you the freshest, highest quality, and safest food.

How do you ship frozen beef through the mail?

To ensure that the beef arrives at your home still frozen, we package it in an insulated freezer box with several pounds of dry ice. We have been shipping for over two decades and have perfected our shipping system. Open your box with care, as there may still be dry ice in the box, and it can freeze skin on contact!

Is your packaging recyclable?

Yes! The packaging is almost 100% curbside recyclable in your cardboard or paper bin. Some orders will have an additional insulative interior bag, which is not recyclable.

How is my order packaged?

We are a small outfit with personal attention to your order. We do not use a fulfillment center. First, Glenn selects each cut that goes into your box and personally vets the beef for quality, weighing each cut to make sure that you get what you paid for. Your order then gets passed to one of our daughters or hands, who double-checks each cut for quality and weight and makes sure that you got everything you ordered. Another daughter or hand here at the ranch then packs the order, wrapping valuable cuts in recyclable paper and placing the beef in an insulated recyclable freezer box. Donay then prints out your label and makes sure that your order has been packed correctly before passing it on to one of our crew members, our designated “icer” that day. Whoever that is puts the labels on the box, and tapes your box shut. Your order then gets loaded onto the UPS truck and sent off, to arrive at your home 2-4 days later.

What should I do with my cooler once I receive my order?

Some folks like to reuse it as a cooler for camping or car trips (and one of our customers likes to build forts out of the inserts for his kid). However, if you don’t have a use for it, the entire box and interior packaging is all fully curbside recyclable. Just put it in the cardboard/paper bin! 



Q: Do you give senior or military discounts?

A: No, sorry! We do, however, offer regular coupons in our weekly newsletter that you can access by subscribing.

Q: Do you accept EBT?

A: No, sorry!

Order Troubleshooting

Q: I put in the wrong billing address. How do I change it?

A: We cannot change the billing address once the order has been placed. If the order went through, then the banks authorized the charge. 

What happens if I provide an incorrect shipping address?

Always double check your order using one of our many confirmation methods. Please email us at as soon as you notice any address errors. We will do everything possible to make sure the order is shipped to the correct address. Please be advised that if an incorrect address was provided, and the beef is shipped/delivered to the incorrect address, we will be happy to reship your meats to the correct address. However, we will have to charge you for the reshipment.

If your meat reaches you thawed, we’re going to make that right with you! Just email Kelsey at


Gift Certificates

Do you do mail or email gift certificates?

We only offer email gift certificates, but you can print the gift certificate and mail it to your recipient as a mail gift certificate.

Where can I purchase or use an Alderspring gift certificate?

Gift certificates can be purchased here on the web-store.

I have received an Alderspring gift certificate. How can I redeem it?

The shopping cart contains a box for entering the gift certificate information. We’re glad to help if your recipient is having any problems redeeming their certificate. Just email us at!

Email Gift Certificates

How soon do email gift certificates go out?

Almost immediately. It should be in your inbox within a few minutes of placing your order. Note that it will be delivered to your (the sender’s) inbox, not the recipient’s inbox. Once it arrives in your email inbox, you can email it on to your recipient or print it out to mail or gift to them.

Can I send my email gift certificate directly to the recipient?

No, the gift certificate will be delivered to your inbox. You can then email it to your recipient or print it to give to them.

Help! I didn’t get the gift certificate I ordered!

Occasionally the email notification will end up in your spam box. Look there first! If you can’t find it, we’re glad to resend it! Just email

Sending Beef as a Gift

Can I send actual beef as a gift instead of a gift certificate?

Yes, of course! Just add the beef you’d like for your recipient to the cart. Check the “this is a gift” box in the cart. You can select a gift card and even add a message on our gift card page here.

During checkout, make sure to enter your recipient’s address as the “shipping address.” 

That’s it!



This is a brief introduction to get you started on cooking grassfed beef from Alderspring, but if you want more, please head over to our extensive library of information and techniques on cooking our grassfed beef at our cooking blog, Meathacker.

Can I cook Alderspring beef in a microwave?

You can, but you shouldn’t. It will change the texture and flavor of the beef, and not in a good way.

I’ve heard grass fed beef cooks quicker. Is this true?

Yes. Because the fat is a different composition from grain-finished beef, grass fed beef will cook in about 30% less time compared to grain-finish.

What temperatures should I cook the beef to?

Cook to the correct internal temperature: Rare=135-139°F, Medium rare=140-143°F, Medium=144-150°F. (grass fed beef will retain its pink color at higher temperatures than grain fed beef).

How do I thaw/defrost beef before cooking?

It’s ideal to remove the beef from the freezer a day before you are ready to cook and place it in the refrigerator. This will allow the beef to gradually thaw while staying cold. If it’s a larger piece of meat like a roast, move it to the refrigerator about 2 days prior to cooking.

If you have less time and want the beef thawed more quickly, remove it from the freezer and place it in a bowl of cold water (not hot)! The cold water will thaw the beef. Placing it in hot water to thaw can allow the development of bacteria and isn’t recommended.

For some beef, it is best to bring it to room temperature just before cooking (for example, a steak cooks best when the center is at room temperature before cooking). To do this, remove the thawed beef from the refrigerator about 20 minutes prior to cooking and place on the counter. Cook immediately once the beef reaches room temperature. Leaving raw beef at room temperature for long periods of time can result in the development of harmful bacteria.

What are some other quick tips?

Here are several:

  • Don’t cook frozen or partially frozen beef – it causes the meat to be dry and tough and to cook unevenly.
  • Pat the meat dry before cooking.
  • Let meat rest loosely covered at least 5 minutes before serving (longer on a large roast). This allows moisture to be redistributed in the beef and minimizes moisture loss through steam in very hot beef.
  • Use a tongs to turn meat instead of poking with a fork.
  • Salt the meat after cooking.

How do I cook a ribeye, New York or filet steak?

You’ll find the taste of our grass fed steaks a wonderful surprise compared to what is often tasteless conventionally produced beef. They are tender and flavorful without any marinade, especially if you like your steak like I do: medium-rare. I like to use a probe-type thermometer for grilling; it lets me know what is going on in the meat without hovering over it. I sear the first side until deep brown grill lines appear, and then turn it never to be turned again. The one exception is with thick steaks (more than 1½ inches) where frequent turning is important to keep the beef from overcooking on the sides while properly cooking the interior. The key is not to lose the meat juices and dry out the lean meat. You can avoid drying by turning only once, again with the exception of thick steaks (thickness does not allow drying, except on the surface), taking care not to pierce the seared surface by using a tongs to turn rather than a fork, and waiting to salt until just before you eat. When internal temperature reaches 140°F (dark brown grill lines on the other side) the steak is off the grill and on the plate. Let the steak sit for 5 minutes to allow juice to set. We believe our beef is best on the grill, but pan frying or even the George Foreman also works well. Again, the key is to keep the steak from drying out by overcooking; moderate temperatures with seared surfaces works best. Other internal temps: Rare=135-139°F, Medium rare=140-143°F, Medium=144-150°F.

How do I grill other Alderspring steaks?

Always use tongs and don’t use salt until done! If you like your steaks on the medium to well-done, you will have to take care that they don’t dry out. Here’s what I do:

  • Marinate with your favorite recipe: several hours before grilling, pierce the meat with a fork all over, place in a shallow glass pan (or use a Ziplock bag), pour marinade over (reserve some for basting during grilling). Let sit covered in the refrigerator until shortly before using.
  • Place meat on a rack and let marinade drain.
  • Dip meat in olive oil or melted butter in a shallow dish.
  • Sear meat on both sides at high heat. Do not pierce the meat- use a tongs.
  • Reduce heat on grill to about 275-300°F.
  • Brush reserved marinade over steak. Turn and grill about 7-10 minutes. Brush marinade and then turn and grill other side.
  • If “eyeballing” doneness, remove the meat to a platter before you think it is ready and let sit covered for 5 minutes (it will keep cooking after you remove it from the grill).

How do I cook an Alderspring Roast?

Most of your favorite roast recipes will work well with our grass-fed roasts. Although we do not make prime rib roasts, a few of our roasts are suitable for dry roasting like one would with a prime rib: top sirloin, tri-tip, eye of round, top round, and sirloin tip roasts. When dry roasting, watch internal temperatures carefully, and remove roast from the oven when internal temperatures reach 144°F. Allow the roast to rest 15-20 minutes before carving. Moist roasting (pot roasting) can be done following your favorite recipe. Roasts such as chuck roasts, rumps, and briskets are best cooked at relatively low temperatures for a long time. We often roast a brisket overnight to serve at the mid-day meal.



Jobs and Affiliate Program

Q: Are you hiring? 

A: Please check here:

Q: I'm interested in the internship. How do I apply?

A: Please check here:

Q: Do you have an affiliate program?

A: No, sorry!

Interviews and Visiting

Q: Can we come and visit the ranch?

A: Sorry, we are unable to accept visitors right now. We aren’t currently set up to receive guests outside of our regular internship program, sorry. Additionally, accommodating guests is more complex than you might think, especially if those guests participate in ranch activities while they are here. There are a host of liability issues and risks in the everyday work on the ranch, and we would be legally liable if one of our guests were injured while on the ranch. 

Q: Can we interview Glenn?

A: Yes! Glenn loves doing podcasts and interviews.  Ask about it at