Our next shipping date is October 28th. We ship once a week on Mondays (except UPS holidays). Orders placed Monday thru Sunday will ship the following Monday.

About Us

We’re Glenn and Caryl Elzinga, and with our seven daughters we produce our grass fed organic beef right here on our Idaho pastures. We’re a true family ranch, and are committed to regenerating the land, giving our animals the best life possible, and providing you with exceptionally clean, great-tasting beef. We’re not a big corporation, and we don’t source our beef from random different suppliers. When you order from us, you get beef raised by us, on our ranch.

Here’s how we’re different:

  • We ran the numbers, and we’re climate positive, carbon negative. We sequester more carbon than we emit, and we improve our land rather than degrading it.
  • USDA Certified organic. This means no hormones, antibiotics, GMOs, insecticides, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, or any other “cides.” We’re dedicated to chemical-free, and we don’t cut corners.
  • No Viral MRNA vaccines given. Check back soon, we will post a link with Glenn's research and view on all that is going on. We are waiting on an affidavit. 
  • 100% grass fed and finished on wild mountain pastures. No grains whatsoever. We are beyond typical grass fed in that our cattle graze an exceptional diversity of plants grown on our high-mineral soils. Our beeves are always on pasture, and during the summer we herd our beeves on 70 square miles of wild mountains, where they graze hundreds of native plant species from pastures that have never been farmed. The result? Higher nutrition and better flavor in our beef. You won't find similar wild beef in the world. 
  • 30 years of experiencewhich means we know what works and what doesn't. We produce consistent quality. No ripped vacuum packages, freezer-burnt meat, or wonky flavors. 
  • Famous for flavor. Our dry-aged beef has been acclaimed in Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and numerous books and cookbooks. We test a steak from every beef to make sure it meets our rigorous flavor and tenderness standards, and we carefully select grasses that result in excellent flavor and marbling without the "weird flavors" that lesser grass fed is known for. 
  • Always humane. We believe it is our responsibility to give our animals the best possible life. To put them in stressful or unclean environments or treat them inhumanely is unthinkable for us.
  • In a world of mystery meat, marketing gimmicks, and producers who lie to you, we are dedicated to integrity and transparency. We are committed to doing right by you.

Want to learn more about our practices, our family, and our beef? Follow us on Instagram or visit our main website here.

And to receive discounts on our beef, stories from the ranch, and cooking ideas, subscribe to our newsletter below! 


Alderspring ranch grass fed organic beef
