Our next shipping day is Monday, February 17th! Orders placed Monday thru Sunday will ship the following Monday (except weeks with UPS holidays).

Artisanal Pastured Dairy

These are dairy products we've carefully sourced from nearby producers we personally know and trust. These are producers who share our rigorous standards of exceptional quality and integrity. 

Dairy Cheese and Butter from Lifeline Farms: The Harvey family of Victor, Montana has been making cheese for over 20 years in their own certified organic farmstead creamery in the Bitteroot Valley. Glenn has known Ernie for all of that, as they shared space in many marketplaces in Western Montana--and a deep and abiding love for border collies. In addition, they share a passion for excellent animal protein that is based on none other than the mountain grass of the high altitude valleys they live in.

Ernie Harvey is an artisanal cheese pioneer, creating some of the first organic raw milk and biodynamic dairy products in Montana, and his brand is found throughout Montana's Bitteroot Valley with many grocers today. Alderspring and honored and privileged to be able to share Ernie's goodness! Although the Harveys find a foundation in grass throughout their dairy operation, and most of what milk cows eat is green pasture grass, they do feed a partial ration of organic barley when the cows come in to milk to maintain efficiency in their Brown Swiss Cow genetics.

We've finally hacked a way to ship you this wonderful cheese without damaging it through prolonged deep freezing! As a result, we are happy to offer it once again to you artisanal cheese lovers.

Sheep Cheese from Mountain Valley Farmstead: Randal and Carol Stoker live in the next valley over from Alderspring. They are artisan producers of raw sheep cheese produced with the ancient methods used by sheepherders in the Alps.

They never use antibiotics, and make all of their cheeses in small batches (they milk the sheep, make the cheese, and package it themselves). As for the nutritional benefits, sheep milk has about three times the protein of cow's milk, contains all 10 essential amino acids, includes lots of Omega 3, is more digestible than cow's milk, and is higher in vitamins and minerals!